Springtime is here and warm weather invites us and our four-legged companions to spend more time outdoors. Spring rejuvenates us, animals and nature, but various spring-related hazards come along. While people and pets are out enjoying the weather, spring-related hazards can totally ruin the day. In order to be safe, one should keep in mind the following top 10 hazard list.

1. Road traffic accidents, cat fights and dog fights.

We should allow our pets play in fenced parks, or away from crowded places. If your pet is not yet quite socialized, try keeping them on their leash.

2. Gardening season is here!

Plant bulbs and parts can be very toxic. Tulips contain allergenic lactones while hyacinths similar alcaloids. Daffodils contain lycorine, an alkaloid with strong emetic properties, lilies contain oxalate crystals that are highly toxic to cats. In addition, most of the fertilizers and pesticides can be fatal. Ask for immediate veterinary advice as soon as you notice any suspicious symptoms.

3. Allergies

From spring to summer the pollen count is at its highest and owners may try to alleviate symptoms with anti-histamine medications. Anti-histamines can become very toxic unless prescribed by your veterinarian.

4. Caterpillars

Many dogs tend to lick or eat caterpillars. However, caterpillars can cause severe necrosis of the tongue and oral soft tissues. Immediately ask for veterinary advice if you notice your dog playing with one.

5. Ticks and fleas

Spring comes along with ticks and fleas. Ectoparasites can transmit serious diseases to you and your pet. Using ectoparasiticides is highly important during the whole spring and summer seasons. Nanosanitas grooming line can effectively help you fight against hematophagous parasites.

6. Leishmaniosis, dirofilariosis

Two widespread parasitic diseases, in the Mediterranean countries. Transferred by sand flies and mosquitos respectively can become fatal. Make sure you use appropriate insect repellents during spring and summer time.

7. Insect stings

Cats and dogs often chase and play with wasps and bees and can be stung. If your pet gets stung by an insect you might need to seek for veterinary advice because pets, like humans, can be allergic or become allergic to stings.

8. Awns and grass blades

Awns can literally become stacked everywhere, from skin to respiratory system. Dogs with thick fur and long ears are especially prone. Daily grooming and staying away from places densely occupied by awns is what you should do. Grass blades is another surprisingly big cause of emergency. Cats yearning for long grass or decorative grasses are highly susceptible to getting the grass stuck in their nose and throat.

9. Barbecues

If you are having springtime barbeques, make sure that you keep your dog and cat away from kebab skewers, alcohol and bones.

10. Hyperthermia and sunburns

Sunbathing poses great threats both for us and our pets. Dogs and cats with thick fur run a great risk of hyperthermia. Avoid long sunbathing and keep them hydrated! On the other hand, short-haired animals are in great risk of sunburn. Avoiding long sunbathing is helpful, but using especially designed products with sunscreen is equally important. Nanosanitas silver line prodives skin and fur regeneration and the Multi-Purpose spray contains sunscreen for better protection of the skin and fur.